Tisha B’Av 5771
The text in the tear drops is from the book of Lamentations - one tear drop per chapter. This feat was made possible by tagxedo - although its worth noting…
The text in the tear drops is from the book of Lamentations - one tear drop per chapter. This feat was made possible by tagxedo - although its worth noting…
This one was inspired by one of our local pizza companies which has a very slick advertising campaign. Needless to say, the advertising from that company routinely offends a large…
This one was created using apophysis for the flag and tagxedo for the word cloud. The word cloud is based on the text of the Declaration of Establishment of the…
This one is a "twin" of my Yom Ha'atzmaut image. Once again, the word cloud was created over at tagxedo. The text source for the cloud is courtesy of the…
As before, the names for this image were taken from the Yad Vashem Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names. I owe an immense debt of gratitude to London Ninja (aka…
Presenting the 6th in my "Goshen Gazette" series (only 4 more to go)! The hieroglyphics are from the hieroglyphics unicode chart. The theatre faces are a modified version of this…
Had a tremendous amount of fun with this one. If you look at the large version by clicking on the image below you'll be able to read the text on…
Tu B'Shvat is the New Year for trees, so here is my take on it. Basically when I hear "new year", I think small gifts and this present comes with…
Often our holidays commemorate "signs and wonders". In this case, the "wonder" (as in I wonder what to do) came first, followed by this *motorway* sign. You can access the…
This one was surprisingly easy to create. I was a bit worried about whether it would be possible to join the "start" and "end" of the loop but it was…