Yom HaShoah 5781
Here is this year's Yom HaShoah Image... You can access the large version of this graphic by clicking on the image above. Images that are related to Jewish Holidays live…
Here is this year's Yom HaShoah Image... You can access the large version of this graphic by clicking on the image above. Images that are related to Jewish Holidays live…
Tonight is the first night of Chanukah - Chag Sameach everyone! You can access the large version of this graphic by clicking on the image above. Images that are related…
Happy Simchat Torah everyone! Today's Gratitude Item: A brilliant day which included laughing so hard that my face hurt a little.
Happy Sukkot everyone! Today's Gratitude Item: That it's Friday AND I am still on holiday next week. Life is very good :)
Here's wishing everyone a speedy (and safe) fast. Today's Gratitude Item: The raisin bread that I baked this morning in anticipation of tomorrow night worked really well. It's good when…
Am not too sure about this one. It is interesting but did not quite live up to its potential. Today's Gratitude Item: The start of a New Year! Hopefully 5781…