Double Spiro
Where the 'spiro' is short for 'Spirograph' which was one of my favourite toys growing up in an age before computers were a thing. Today's Gratitude Item: My brother set…
Where the 'spiro' is short for 'Spirograph' which was one of my favourite toys growing up in an age before computers were a thing. Today's Gratitude Item: My brother set…
Created quite quickly to answer a question someone asked about render settings. Today's Gratitude Item: That sometimes working out why student code is not working is both quick and easy.…
In my world, ripples don't have to be round, some pointy bits are OK. Today's Gratitude Item: Our election is done and dusted for 2020. I loathe politics with an…
This one is best described as 'quite good'. Which is a tad frustrating as I really was going for more than that. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally managing to compress a…
It's been a while since the last fractal pathway appeared on my screen. I wonder where this one leads... Today's Gratitude Item: Unexpected flowers and a lovely card from my…
Here is something nice and soothing. Today's Gratitude Item: A good day at school. It's been busy but rather positive with kids *mostly* working hard and making the most of…
Sometimes discs / circles are the order of the day. Today's Gratitude Item: Being ready for school tomorrow. The holiday has been wonderful and as usual, the time has passed…
As in the shape of this one made me happy. Today's Gratitude Item: A really relaxing day doing very little of note.
Normally waves don't look quite as chunky but this one mostly works. Today's Gratitude Item: Realising that it is possible to put entire sprites into Scratch's backpack. This makes it…
Yet another fan / flower image. Today's Gratitude Item: Homemade summer rolls for dinner. Light, tasty and different - even if they were a bit fiddly to assemble.