Flower Belt
This one is a bit too floral for my liking... Today's Gratitude Item: That replacing some of my less than perfect images with improved versions on flickr was really easy.
This one is a bit too floral for my liking... Today's Gratitude Item: That replacing some of my less than perfect images with improved versions on flickr was really easy.
Was particularly pleased when this one appeared - if only I could remember exactly how it was created... Today's Gratitude Item: Having a day of sunshine! After several days of…
This one could have been called 'Tartan Ripple'. Today's Gratitude Item: That making a *virtual* Sukkah was not as hard as anticipated. Having recyclable schach helped.
This one is a twist on a very familiar theme. Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out how to make a flat square image curve around a pre-existing cylinder. If this sounds…
When I first saw this one, it reminded me of tread marks - hence the name. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to use the Gym in the community center where…
This one turned out better than expected. Today's Gratitude Item: One down, four more to go. As in I have created my Rosh HaShana image for 5778 and have four…
Weird things happen when you mix diamonds and flowers. This one is firmly in the 'not sure if this was a good idea' pile. Today's Gratitude Item: That thus far…
Sometimes being 'slightly off' works - this was one of those times. Today's Gratitude Item: That in addition to being on school holidays, things are really quiet on the Uni…
As in a wall with lots of holes. Today's Gratitude Item: Good timing, lovely weather and a brilliant Saturday afternoon nap. Also not being stressed about having to prepare work…
It turns out that making red fractals is not all that easy - except in this case. Today's Gratitude Item: Making it to the end of term!