Spiro Flower

It's amazing what one can do with bright blue fractal string. Today's Gratitude Item: Email from students in the holidays. It turns out that some of them are working on…

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Dream Pipes

Not to be confused with pipe dreams. Today's Gratitude Item: A delightful day 'off'. After finishing a series of screencasts showing a client how to use an access database I…

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Ridge Wave

In a fractal universe, wave appear with a predictable regularity. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding the next two books of a recently discovered trilogy at the library. It's nice not having…

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Test Tiles

Let's just say that not all test are successful. Today's Gratitude Item: That my standing desk is large enough to accommodate two people working together :)

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Fire in the Hole

This was one of those rare times when the 'Glynnia' variation improved the original image. Today's Gratitude Item: Unexpected fuel vouchers. They were a 'thank you' from a friend for…

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Rough Ripples

The description really says it all. Today's Gratitude Item: That the developers of the 'Participants Database' that I'm using on one of my Word Press sites responded to a question…

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Twice Shy

As in the missing chunk at the top right looks suspiciously like a bite mark. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to see humour in ordinary situations. Life is a lot…

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Fire Aim

As in a target with a bit of a difference. Today's Gratitude Item: My cartoon objecting to UN resolution 2334 (and the fact that New Zealand co-sponsored said resolution) has…

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Snake Star

Named because the texture on this one is reminiscent of snake skin. Today's Gratitude Item: Learning how to check for duplicates in an excel spreadsheet over multiple columns. The process…

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Disc Flower in Copper

Sometimes ornate is good. Today's Gratitude Item: That the 'silly season' is finally over and things are starting to get back to normal (where the word 'normal' is used in…

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