Mandel Girls
Presenting the Mandelbrot set in a slightly new way. Today's Gratitude Item: A work free weekend. Our school system will be down all weekend due to a scheduled upgrade. That…
Presenting the Mandelbrot set in a slightly new way. Today's Gratitude Item: A work free weekend. Our school system will be down all weekend due to a scheduled upgrade. That…
This one took a bit of extra tiling but it was worth the effort. Today's Gratitude Item: Very yummy delicious muffins!
I liked the subtle wave pattern on this one - so it got rendered. Today's Gratitude Item: Extra ankle support. For the first time since camp, my ankle does not…
This works mainly because it is not too busy. Today's Gratitude Item: The return of a favouite blog from 'way back'. Here's hoping more posts are in the pipeline.
Revisiting a seldom-used variation worked out well. Today's Gratitude Item: Ear muffs. Warm ears = warm feet. Don't ask me how it works - it just does.
As in this wheel is on fire. Today's Gratitude Item: That our school email server is finally back up. The enforced break from work was nice, catching up on the…
Nice and simple. Today's Gratitude Item: That my new work laptop has quite a long lasting battery. It's nice not to have to have it plugged in all the time.
Probably to busy to be useful but it was a fun experiment. Today's Gratitude Item: Having time to catch up with a lot of 'stuff'.
The title really says it all. Today's Gratitude Item: A short week. Am really happy that tomorrow is Friday :)
This one took a bit of experimenting to get right. Today's Gratitude Item: That the heavy rain / stormy weather was not enough to deter most of my dance group.…