Chanukah 5774 – 2nd Night

This is the most traditional chanukia of the series. Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out how to use line connectors properly in MS Office 2013. This means that I can now…

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Chanukah 5774 – 1st Night

Based on this image. Weirdly, the original menorah had 8 branches instead of seven... Today's Gratitude Item: Spare Chanukah Geld. Will distribute to my colleagues in the morning - should…

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Crinkled Triquetra

The search for a great triquetra image continues... Today's Gratitude Item: That our staff meeting this afternoon was mercifully brief - thanks in part to a double booking of the…

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Frozen Sunrise

The title is ambiguous - just like the image. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a whole lot of 'small' chores done. Suffice it say some of those 'small' chores were actually…

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Sacred Halls

The question is, what is at the end of these hallways... Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a new hair dryer. It's funny how 'inconvenient' life becomes when small things stop working.

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Midnight Triquetra

Sometimes purple is a good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: Large doors on both sides of my classroom. This means being able to generate a cross breeze - which is a…

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Sunflower in Brass

I thought this one would look better than it does. It's OK, but the colours are not quite what I'd hoped for. Today's Gratitude Item: That the ePub I made…

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Quarter Sunflower

This is one of those times when the background is a lot nicer than the foreground fractal. Today's Gratitude Item: A good turn-out for dance. Sometimes the group is much…

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Star on Silver

For some reason this one makes me happy. It's good when that happens. Today's Gratitude Item: That most of my home room students seem to enjoy participating in the "Word…

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Fire Bead

Bright but uninspired. Sometimes following where parameters lead is not a good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: Having time to create resources for next year. It's a pity that everything takes…

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