Not Quite…
Noughts and crosses - but close. Today's Gratitude Item: Revisiting Context Free Design Grammar and finding out how to render images with a transparent background.
Noughts and crosses - but close. Today's Gratitude Item: Revisiting Context Free Design Grammar and finding out how to render images with a transparent background.
This is the reason you want to make sure that the guy tiling your kitchen / bathroom is 100% sober. Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out how to get apps I…
With added pearls for no extra charge. Today's Gratitude Item: A super relaxing day - having Monday off is an added bonus and has lead to a truly "stress free"…
The appearance of this one was a very pleasant surprise Today's Gratitude Item: Getting confirmation that after December the 1st, all students at our school will be allowed to install…
Don't try and navigate this one when drunk / tired. Today's Gratitude Item: That my colleagues (in other schools) found my Usability Posters helpful. I posted the link on our…
Looks simple? Was extra-ordinarily complicated to make. Today's Gratitude Item: Tall students who don't mind putting up posters for me. I managed to finish a series of posters on Usability…
Looks complicated? Was simple to make! Today's Gratitude Item: Learning some cool PowerPoint tricks. My new favourite is to use the 'insert album' feature to quickly and easily insert a…
In my world, string bridges look like this. Today's Gratitude Item: There is light at the end of the tunnel. Let's hope it's not an oncoming train. Have a tonne…
No cubes were harmed in the creation of this image. Today's Gratitude Item: Having quite a large number of kids on the list for the Israeli Dance elective that I'm…
Reminded me of a diagram one might draw to explain the concept of integration (as in a cool way of finding the area under a curve). Maths is beautiful -…