This one is surprisingly delicate. It was quite difficult to make. Today's Gratitude Item: That the latest version of Open Office appears to be a big improvement on previous versions.…
This one is surprisingly delicate. It was quite difficult to make. Today's Gratitude Item: That the latest version of Open Office appears to be a big improvement on previous versions.…
As in Springs + Sensation. Today's Gratitude Item: Managing to create most of the screencasts that I'll need for the coming week. It's taken a while but being "ready" is…
Took a bit of experimenting to get this one "just right". Today's Gratitude Item: Hearing from an old friend. Said friend sent through a lovely, chatty email and it was…
A bit different from my "usual" offerings, but I like it. Today's Gratitude Item: Discovering the "Frosty" filter in GIMP (accessed by going filter --> alpha to logo --> frosty).…
The clip-art worked really well with this one. That girl is definitely on an exploring mission (note the magnifying glass around her neck). Today's Gratitude Item: An unexpected break. One…
This is the place where blue hair is made :) Today's Gratitude Item: Getting petrol for $2.05 /L. When I went out, the price at the pump was $2.08 and…
Not to be confused with the tourist attraction. Today's Gratitude Item: That my meeting this afternoon was cancelled. Had loads of work to do so not having the meeting was…
Look closely and you'll see an infinity symbol in this one. Still can't see it? Try squinting! Today's Gratitude Item: Being given the 'go ahead' to give my class an…
Originally rendered in blue and white. Inverting the colours made something "ordinary" a whole lot better. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a massive amount of work done. I'd go into detail…
This one was really due to luck. The trick was to stop when it looked good. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to check student homework on the weekend from the…