Hole Thing
Apophysis keeps throwing up images like this one - and I'm not sure that this is a good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: That I had an alternate plan for my…
Apophysis keeps throwing up images like this one - and I'm not sure that this is a good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: That I had an alternate plan for my…
This is the first flame rendered several months ago using my "new" computer (the old one "died" when graphics card got burned out). After several days of not being able…
The connections between different parts of the image reminded me of a city, hence the "Metro" part of the title. Today's Gratitude Item: Managing to teach Bakapayim to my dance…
It took forever to get this one looking "just right". I'm really pleased with the results. Today's Gratitude Item: A poster that I was working on for a client "came…
As in it looked a bit like a blue moon which is going places Today's Gratitude Item: One of the more "challenging" students that I teach has decided to transfer…
As in a disc paired with other elements. Not be confused with the '80's disco phenomenon. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a new "follower" on my blog. Its always nice that…
These ripples make a number of interesting symbols. They are a bit rigid but I suspect this design will "grow" on me. Today's Gratitude Item: Skipping the queue at the…
As in its a curve which I'm not sure about (agno from the "agnostic" / unknowable). Today's Gratitude Item: All of my classes have entered their data into the Census…
This one is a bit intricate for my liking. I suspect that there are some "out there" who will like it. Today's Gratitude Item: All the textbooks that mysteriously went…
This one is the result of experimenting with the "Glynnia" variation which I discovered recently. Today's Gratitude Item: Having enough nuts to make my cinnamon nut buns. Suffice it to…