Lucky Bloom
If you squint a bit, this one looks like a four leaf clover. Today's Gratitude Item: A ready made, public domain, Acorn Image which saved me a large amount of…
If you squint a bit, this one looks like a four leaf clover. Today's Gratitude Item: A ready made, public domain, Acorn Image which saved me a large amount of…
As in a butterfly made of interwoven hearts. Today's Gratitude Item: Retail Therapy :) I don't usually like shopping but on this outing managed to find clothes that normal people…
Lets just say that the spiral addiction cannot be overcome. Today's Gratitude Item: That things "out there" are slowly getting back to normal after the New Year break. This means…
I'm not too sure about this one. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Today's Gratitude Item: Half priced shoes! My current pair of walking shoes are wearing…
Used the "foci" variant for the final transform and it turned out like this. Today's Gratitude Item: That some photos my dad was after were on my hard drive. He…
This one really appealed and for once, finding colours that "worked" was quick and simple. Today's Gratitude Item: Potatoes that are firm when being peeled. We just opened a new…
Loved the quotation. Its a challenge to see the beauty in pretty much everything but it is worth the effort. Today's Gratitude Item: Starting on a project that has been…
Sometimes life feels like its rushing by really fast. Every so often, I wish things would slow down just a bit. Today's Gratitude Item: Easy, long summer days :) I…
Getting the double Koru was not as difficult as one might think. The only post processing on this one is the black background, signature and quotation. Today's Gratitude Item: The…
Sometimes its good to revisit old styles to see what happens. Today's Gratitude Item: That my dad is enjoying a book that I recommended (from the library). I read it…