Twisted Thoughts
The quote was featured as the "Quote of the Day" when I looked at my igoogle page. It seemed to go with the image. Today's Gratitude Item: That one of…
The quote was featured as the "Quote of the Day" when I looked at my igoogle page. It seemed to go with the image. Today's Gratitude Item: That one of…
The quotation made me smile. Today's Gratitude Item: That my dad's colonoscopy came back clear (was incredibly worried about this - long story) and that I have a "pre-interview" for…
This one turned out much better than expected. Today's Gratitude Item: Scoring in the 96th percentile (top 4%) on the Illustrator CS3 test over at Elance. Now all I need…
This one is the result of a request. Its dedicated to all those Singaporeans out there :) Today's Gratitude Item: Scoring in the top 10% *just* on the Elance MS…
Sometimes changes in life are heralded with stars / bright flashes. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting Kodu Game labs installed on my computer (and my student's machines) at school. This…
Originally created on a Friday morning, the quotation seemed oddly appropriate. Today's Gratitude Item: A great *long* weekend at dance camp. It goes something like this: dance, chat with friends,…
That guy looks like he is escaping from an ecological nightmare. Today's Gratitude Item: One more sleep until dance camp! This blog is about to go "silent" for a few…
In memory of Benoit Mandelbrot (20/11/1924 - 14/10/2010). His work made mine possible. Today's Gratitude Item: We *finally* have a worm farm for getting rid of kitchen scraps and so…
This one involved some hanging around and a carefully chosen gradient. Today's Gratitude Item: That most of my 9th graders did the homework that I asked them to do. In…
The Takahe is wondering if this particular rose is good to eat. Usually Takahe eat tussock grass, but this image is anything but "usual". Today's Gratitude Item: Finally having time…