Great Divide
Only the bravest of souls are prepared to "take the dive". Today's Gratitude Item: Gorgeous winter sun! Said sun made certain prime spots positively cozy - always a good thing…
Only the bravest of souls are prepared to "take the dive". Today's Gratitude Item: Gorgeous winter sun! Said sun made certain prime spots positively cozy - always a good thing…
Dedicated to all of those swimmers out there! Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to recall ancient banking details that needed to be resurrected. With so many passwords floating around, its…
This climbing wall is a "girls only" affair. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting to borrow the X-Box from school :) Turns out that I need to play some games this weekend…
As in a swimming pool, not the chess playing computer. Today's Gratitude Item: The fact that itunes lets one burn a data DVD based on the playlist of one's choice.…
There should probably be an elephant somewhere on this one :) Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a ride into the city rather than having to take the bus. Normally, I'd drive…
Needed the flag for a project - need I say more? Today's Gratitude Item: Extra blankets! They are a much needed necessity now that winter has hit with a vengeance.
The lion on the crest is supposed to be purple rather than pink (I think). This one is based on the wikipedia version but if anyone out there can give…
Once again, Wikipedia came to my rescue by providing the flag on which this image is based. Today's Gratitude Item: Homemade Samosas. We fill ours with mince and veges and…
Dedicated to all those who love soccer and Brazil nuts. Basic flag downloaded over at Wikipedia. Today's Gratitude Item: New shoes. I discovered that my old ones were "past it"…
This one is for all my Argentinian friends. The base of the flag was downloaded over at Wikipedia. Today's Gratitude Item: My mom's home made chocolate eclairs. These are sinfully…