Bright Star
This one was a nice surprise. I used to have a bookmark which has the same quotation as this image - its a bit cheesy but it could work. Today's…
This one was a nice surprise. I used to have a bookmark which has the same quotation as this image - its a bit cheesy but it could work. Today's…
As is so often the case, this one was made "from scratch". Sometimes everything just works perfectly, and this was one of those times. Today's Gratitude Item: Not having to…
An experiment that did not go horribly wrong. Its not great - file under "interesting". Today's Gratitude Item: Getting to sleep in. Its been a *very* long time since I…
This could be a sinister new weapon. Its officially part of my "pessimism" series. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting lots of little things "out of the way". It never ceases to…
Some of these guys don't look to sure about their destination. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting to play PS2 / Wii games as part of my planning for the Computer Science…
This one is a portal to the unknown - getting through said portal could be difficult given the large, unfriendly guard. Today's Gratitude Item: Having just enough battery power left…
Is it just me or are their angels hidden in those discs? Today's Gratitude Item: Breathing space when it comes to work. It turns out that like me, my colleagues…
There's a butterfly in this one - and its all good. Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out how work the "caption" feature of Geogebra. This makes creating diagrams for teaching /…
If you look really carefully, you'll see a three leaf clover in this one Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out a cool way to get my Smart Board presentation to do…
Look closely and see if you can spot the hidden "Star of David" (there's more than 1). Today's Gratitude Item: Finally being told when the art auction where the original…