Soccer Scales
Does this count as poetry in motion? Today's Gratitude Item: Being *artistically* inspired by something as simple as a T-Shirt display in a store window on this morning's work. Sometimes…
Does this count as poetry in motion? Today's Gratitude Item: Being *artistically* inspired by something as simple as a T-Shirt display in a store window on this morning's work. Sometimes…
Turns out that running on fractal backgrounds is thirsty work - hence its a good idea to carry a water bottle. Today's Gratitude Item: My ipod cover arrived less than…
As in some balls were made "just for kicks". Today's Gratitude Item: Getting both a memory stick / USB for my new camera phone and a cover for my ipod.…
Work hard - play hard. Sometimes its good when things become "intense". Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a way to convert .pdf files into .doc files. This opens up a world…
Lovely to play, lovely to watch and very lovely to photograph / illustrate. Soccer is not as violent as rugby which might explain why I don't mind it as much.Today's…
Turns out that real soccer players don't always wait for the field to dry out. Perhaps getting muddy is part of the attraction. Today's Gratitude Item: The "translate" function in…
Looks good - but sleeping in has greater appeal. Today's Gratitude Item: Having easy access to native Hebrew speakers who *hopefully* don't mind proof reading my graphics.
I wish this one was real. File under things that are pretty. Today's Gratitude Item: Having the time to properly tag most of the art in my flickr stream. Now…
I wonder if the fish bite more once the sun goes down? That could explain a lot about this image. Today's Gratitude Item: Home-made matzos. Store bought matzos cost $10.00…
We humans will do some pretty strange things to snag fish (aka dinner). I'm not "into" fishing, but I am certainly into cooking and eating the results. Today's Gratitude Item:…