Modern Star of David
I was trying to recreate a triquetra but it did not work out that way. Never mind. Today's Gratitude Item: Safety pins! Sometimes small things can be extremely useful.
I was trying to recreate a triquetra but it did not work out that way. Never mind. Today's Gratitude Item: Safety pins! Sometimes small things can be extremely useful.
This spiral looks like it is made out of feathers! That's my story and I'm sticking with it. Today's Gratitude Item: Seeing an Illustrators book being recommended on a forum…
It took forever to find a suitable gradient for this one! The swan seems to like the final choice - although with swans, it can be hard to tell exactly…
You can tell that this chicken is kosher because of the ornate Star of David to the left. If you can't see the star, try squinting. Today's Gratitude Item: Discovering…
The control tower is based on the "real thing" over at Auckland airport. The rest of the image is pure fantasy. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting some new T-Shirts and summer…
Tonight is the last night of Channukah, which means 9 candles burning :) Today's Gratitude Item:Being over halfway on the blanket that I'm making. Its a massive project and reaching…
Out in the desert, strange sites abound. Especially when it gets really hot. Today's Gratitude Item: That it was not too hot today! Yesterday it was "beautiful" which translates as…
This ostrich is wondering which egg / eggs belong to it. The joys of being a "bird brain" :) Today's Gratitude Item: Having a good "stock" of reference photos (from…
This is to all of you out there who wished me "Merry Christmas" with a smile on your lovely faces. It would take too long to explain that I'm Jewish…
Inspired by the school where I worked this past year :) Its an amazing place. This piece recycles my "Air New Zealand" cabin bag (the one which did not win).…