Sharp Triangle
It's good when the image has a three dimensional feel to it. Today's Gratitude Item: A chilled out day where I should have done some work but opted to play…
It's good when the image has a three dimensional feel to it. Today's Gratitude Item: A chilled out day where I should have done some work but opted to play…
Named because it looks a bit like a flower... Today's Gratitude Item: The pita pockets I made for dinner worked despite being rolled a bit too thin! This is by…
Sometimes flowers in my world are green. This was one of those times. Today's Gratitude Item: The start of *another* three day weekend for me (with only one week of…
As in it looks like a blue computer chip. Today's Gratitude Item: Coming up with a win-win solution for a problem. It's a long story but the hope is that…
This one is a bit dreary which is quite apt as it matches the kind of day that I had today. Let's just say life has been too full of…
This one could either be a sun or a flower. You decide. Today's Gratitude Item: An *almost* dream journey home from school where most of the lights were green. This…
This one looks more like a flower (close up) than a fan... Today's Gratitude Item: An easy day which involved working from home. I'm not quite on holiday yet but…
I liked the funky hole in the middle of this one, so it got rendered. Today's Gratitude Item: That helping my dad get his COVID passport onto his phone was…
A colourful variation on a familiar theme. Today's Gratitude Item: Summer is here! I'm loving the longer days even though it has been very hot.
This one is a cross between a funky flower and colourful fan. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally figuring out why the preview window in Apophysis sometimes did not work correctly. It…