Dark Emotions
Because sometimes it's not all unicorns and rainbows. Today's Gratitude Item: Baking success on a day that was rather turbulent. At least I can say that one thing went right…
Because sometimes it's not all unicorns and rainbows. Today's Gratitude Item: Baking success on a day that was rather turbulent. At least I can say that one thing went right…
This was one of those times when using black and white was really effective. Today's Gratitude Item: A toasty shower towel on a relatively cool night.
This one is a bit too busy for my liking. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally updating my personal website so that it runs off WordPress. Hopefully the update will also help…
This one is a variation on a theme. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting all my practice exam marking done. It's a good feeling to have that 'marking mountain' under control.
The background colours seemed liked a good idea at the time. Now I'm thinking going 'all black' would have been a better option. Today's Gratitude Item: Having more time. Whilst…
The background turned out really well - which was a nice surprise. Today's Gratitude Item: One more day and then it will be the weekend. This week has been a…
Every so often, a red poppy appears on my screen. Weirdly this has been known to happen close to ANZAC day without any conscious intent on my part. Today's Gratitude…
I'm not sure how this works but every autumn, apophysis randomly generates dying leaves. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding an effective work-around for a tricky, unanticipated problem.
It took ages to get this one looking 'just right'. Today's Gratitude Item: Parent / Teacher interviews that went well. My voice lasted the distance and the meetings were all…
Simple but hopefully effective. Today's Gratitude Item: My 12th grade 'experimental' lesson went much better than expected. This is a good thing as I it forms part of my 'assignment…