Textured Daze

Revisiting old favourites is always a good idea. Today's Gratitude Item: A very useful webinar. Whilst some of the material was not exactly 'news', there was a lot there that…

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Late Night Musings

I was stuck for a title on this one mostly because it was quite late and I was quite tired. Today's Gratitude Item: That deep breath one takes on a…

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Darkest Hour

Made towards the end of my summer holidays when the idea of going back to school was quite depressing. Today's Gratitude Item: Still having time to sign up for a…

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Soft Lock

Not only is this one similar to previous works, but the colours were most uncooperative. It was one of 'those' days. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a relief request approved in…

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Trendy Target

Another day, another spiral.Today's Gratitude Item: Slowly finding work-arounds for MS Teams. Currently my biggest issue is that if students upload relatively large PowerPoint files opening them in PowerPoint does…

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Tunnel Display

This one could have been called 'Garden Tunnel'. Today's Gratitude Item: iTunes 'most played' list. The group that is hosting this year's dance camp asked for my group's 20 favourite…

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Chained up Sunrise

The chains were a very pleasant surprise. Today's Gratitude Item: Reaching a significant milestone when it comes to total earnings on Shutterstock. I've been with them since 2004 and my…

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Spiral Classic

It's been one of 'those' days. Today's Gratitude Item: That helping a colleague set up his e-portfolio was much easier than anticipated. It turns out that the 'new' google sites…

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Stair Rose Revisited

This is what happens when you take squares and make them into a spiral. Today's Gratitude Item: Really kind feedback from a colleague on a resource I created for the…

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Shell Sensation

Everything about this one was experimental. I was quite pleased with the outcome. Today's Gratitude Item: Tell Tale - a collection of short stories by Jeffrey Archer. A brilliant, easy…

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