Infinite Joinery
Because some things go on forever. Today's Gratitude Item: Carrot cake at morning tea - it was a welcome, unexpected treat.
Because some things go on forever. Today's Gratitude Item: Carrot cake at morning tea - it was a welcome, unexpected treat.
Named because it looks a bit like narrow bridges going over a blue river. Today's Gratitude Item: That most of the dodgy kids in my first period class were away!…
This is one of those times when lighter colours was the best option. Today's Gratitude Item: A reasonably chilled out afternoon where no work was done! The break was nice…
A somewhat odd image to be posting in the middle of winter. Of course there is the possibility that the pools in question are heated. Today's Gratitude Item: Leftovers for…
This one has a definite 'fern' vibe to it. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to recycle an old teaching video rather than having to make a new one from scratch.…
Named for the soft colours and crescent shapes. Today's Gratitude Item: Finishing the video series for the learning resource that I was working on. Happily, this did not take quite…
Perhaps this one should have been called 'A Bit Shattered'. Today's Gratitude Item: A delightful nap! Recharging is good.
Perhaps this one should have been called 'Swirling Light Flower'. Today's Gratitude Item: The start of a glorious long weekend. Tomorrow is a 'work from home' day and I'm excited…
As in pretty blue beads made of fractal string. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting permission to work from home on Teach Only Day (which is coming up on Friday). This is…
Golden bars = gilded cage. Today's Gratitude Item: An easy day with lots of fairly wet weather - which means not having to feel guilty for not going for a…