
Take the 'traditional' Mandelbrot fractal and splice it up a bit and this is what happens. Today's Gratitude Item: That my dad organised a new tyre for my car. He…

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Man Multitude

As in a whole bunch of 'Mandelbrot Men'. Today's Gratitude Item: Fuzzy gloves and hot soup. It's been one of those very cold days.

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Mosaic River

Perhaps this one should have been called "geometric flow". Today's Gratitude Item: That technology makes it easy to give students feedback. These days it is possible to make a quick…

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Tiled Tunnel

Looks like the start of a tunnel system where explorers can go either left or right... Today's Gratitude Item: Two down, three more to go. Am busy working on a…

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Shiny Green Buttons

A mosaic on a mosaic background. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally making it to the end of term. "Busy" does not even begin to describe it!

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Electronic Luck

As in a digital four leaf clover. Today's Gratitude Item: Special delivery coffee. Thanks to a student needing help and an early morning meeting was not able to grab my…


Mandel Sphere Revisited

Was particularly pleased with the little 'men' at the bottom left of the sphere. Getting them into position took a bit of tweaking. Today's Gratitude Item: Tactful colleagues. I created…

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Brick Work

Plain, simple and surprisingly easy to create. Today's Gratitude Item: That it is very easy to get in touch with parents when my students fall behind on their work. Sadly…

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Fenced In

Another 'easy to create' image. Today's Gratitude Item: Nine down, three more to go. So far "learner lead conferences" are going well. The reality is that most of us are…

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Bamboo Barrier

This works mainly because it is not too busy. Today's Gratitude Item: The return of a favouite blog from 'way back'. Here's hoping more posts are in the pipeline.

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