Mosaic Floor

Nice and simple. Today's Gratitude Item: That my new work laptop has quite a long lasting battery. It's nice not to have to have it plugged in all the time.

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Trapped Sunlight

This one took a bit of experimenting to get right. Today's Gratitude Item: That the heavy rain / stormy weather was not enough to deter most of my dance group.…

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Soft Spy Hole

A blur experiment with *sort of* worked. Today's Gratitude Item: That my 'work mountain' is not as large as I thought it would be at this point in the term.

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Curl Back

This one is plain - but in a good way. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting home early. The planets aligned and both my colleague (who works at a different school) and…

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Very Weird Waves

So strange that they defy description. Today's Gratitude Item: That our Hospitality students have started their 'Coffee' unit. This means being able to get proper coffee at school on a…

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Deep Fragments

This one is probably a bit too dark - attempts to make it lighter were *clearly* unsuccessful.Today's Gratitude Item: Finally having time to make a cartoon to remind my students…

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Moon Spiral

The only thing better than one spiral, is a background full of spirals. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to get almost instant, high quality feedback on a proposed assessment task…

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Very Rough Hole

Was 'interesting' so it got rendered. Today's Gratitude Item: This one is a double whammy. First my blog has just turned 12 (insert singing here). Second, our local library will…

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Sky Spiral

Was particularly pleased with the tiled spiral background. Today's Gratitude Item: *Only* oversleeping by ten minutes this morning. Could not resist the temptation to silence my alarm for 'five more…

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Infinite Ripple

The shape in the middle of this one is not quite an infinity symbol - but it's close enough. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding $5.00 when walking this morning. Somehow finding…

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