Spring Rain
Made on the first day of spring 2013. Posted mid-winter 2014. Funnily enough, it was windy / raining for most of the day. Sadly, today's colours were more grey than…
Made on the first day of spring 2013. Posted mid-winter 2014. Funnily enough, it was windy / raining for most of the day. Sadly, today's colours were more grey than…
As in the small circular indentations on the left are perfect for holding just about anything. Today's Gratitude Item: A spurt of creativity. It's good when such 'spurts' coincide with…
Or should it be "Ocean Mosaic"? Today's Gratitude Item: The 'new' course that I proposed at school has been accepted. This means that provided enough students choose to take it,…
Simple but hopefully effective. Today's Gratitude Item: The fact that in my subject, practically everything is on-line which means sending home work for kids who have missed time in class/…
Thought this one would look much nicer than it does... Today's Gratitude Item: A fun night out :)
Or perhaps 'String Cascade'. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally making some progress in *starting* to learn Python. Have been trying to get a really basic program to work and now it…
As in the sea has a hole! Today's Gratitude Item: Having time to play. Sometimes taking time off from work can be really helpful. So much so that I'm *almost*…
Made from similar parameters to 'Gentle Waves'. It was *just* different enough to be worth rendering. Today's Gratitude Item: An 'out of the blue' phone call from an old friend.…
Had something that was not exactly great. Turned the final transform 15 degrees and got this Today's Gratitude Item: That people kept giving me mandarins today. This has a lot…
Had fun with the background on this one. It did not take as long to create as one might think. Today's Gratitude Item: Taking the day off! Normally I do…