Tsunami Seed

In my world, this is what a Tsunami looks like when it is being born. Today's Gratitude Item: That Maths exercise books are relatively cheap. Ended up buying a few…

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Checkered Security

Reminded me of a rather wrinkled security blanket. Today's Gratitude Item: That the audio CD I burned the other night worked when I tested it on a CD player.

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Blue Moon, Gold Ocean

This one involved two separate fractals and a lot of patience. Today's Gratitude Item: Having Windows Media player already on my computer. I needed to burn an audio CD (long…

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Cloth Whisper

Subtle silky cloth on a tiled background. Happily this one was relatively easy to create. Today's Gratitude Item: Super quick review times on Shutterstock. Normally one waits several days for…

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Another Ocean

Sometimes oceans just appear in apophysis - I have no idea why this is. Even odder is the fact that I feel the need to render said fractal oceans. Today's…

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The Ring

Created with two identical fractals (one blue, one gold) and a fair bit of post processing. Today's Gratitude Item: That the guest speaker at today's 'Teacher Only Day' was fairly…

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Toxic Spill

Sad as it may seem, sometimes pollution can be pretty. Today's Gratitude Item: Sushi two days in a row - sometimes it's those small things that make our days that…

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Gentle Agitation

Take an ordinary fractal and shake gently... Today's Gratitude Item: A magnificent day off. I knew today was going to be great - and it was!

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Water on Fire

If you use your imagination, this one looks like water on fire (assuming one is OK with pink flames). Today's Gratitude Item: Finding out that there is an easy way…

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Confused Sunshine

Could be the sun trying to shine amidst some clouds and a blue sky? Today's Gratitude Item: That it's a 'short week' this week. Am hanging out until Friday! Pity…

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