Ice Glow

As in an ice cube that is glowing! Today's Gratitude Item: That my fractal program was nice and cooperative today resulting in a series of images that will feature on…


Organic Currency

The copper bit reminded me of money - the rest was rather organic - hence the name. Today's Gratitude Item: A Saturday that was a bit different to the original…


Parabolic Blues

As in a blue mound that is sort of shaped like a parabola. Today's Gratitude Item: A nice clean car! Which means being one step closer to getting ready to…


Cut Out Shapes

Reminded me of folding a piece of paper and then cutting bits out to get cool shapes. Only better. Today's Gratitude Item: Having a tiny bit more time to 'get…


Small Hope

Was not too sure how this one would turn out. I'd hoped it would work and it sort of did. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally being able to walk outside again.…

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Water Bowl

Or it would be - if gravity was less than it is on planet earth. Today's Gratitude Item: Our garage door got fixed! It had a hissy fit yesterday (long…

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Spiral Descent

As in that spiral is sinking into the ocean. Today's Gratitude Item: Making pita pockets and potentially being one video away from completing my current tutorial series. Today has been…

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Strange City (Waterfront View)

The form of this one reminded me of waterfront buildings (where the water in question is super-still and the resulting reflection makes for an interesting image). Today's Gratitude Item: That…

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Magic Thread Factory

Saw the gold threads and decided that this one had to be rendered. This is one of those 'seemed like a good idea at the time' images. Today's Gratitude Item:…

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Striped Propeller

This one is really busy - but in a good way. Today's Gratitude Item: Another really productive 'holiday' day. Am fully back into the swing of making resources and am…

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