Blue Hamock

This one appeared almost completely by accident. That's my story and I'm sticking with it. Today's Gratitude Item: Feeling much better! I've had a weird "sort of" cold since Wednesday.…

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Twisted Ground

When the ground starts to twist, its a good idea to look where you're going. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting positive feedback. Knowing that one's efforts are appreciated is always uplifting.

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Bright Star

This one would look good on top of a Christmas Tree. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally finishing my second Apophysis Tutorial / Screencast. It was good practice to make said screencast…

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As in Springs + Sensation. Today's Gratitude Item: Managing to create most of the screencasts that I'll need for the coming week. It's taken a while but being "ready" is…

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Network Blues

Took a bit of experimenting to get this one "just right". Today's Gratitude Item: Hearing from an old friend. Said friend sent through a lovely, chatty email and it was…

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Blue Hair Machine

This is the place where blue hair is made :) Today's Gratitude Item: Getting petrol for $2.05 /L. When I went out, the price at the pump was $2.08 and…

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String Finity

Look closely and you'll see an infinity symbol in this one. Still can't see it? Try squinting! Today's Gratitude Item: Being given the 'go ahead' to give my class an…


Dynamic Ripples

Another example of where inverting colours can be a good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: Discovering adobe's Kuler Colour tool. This is perfect for my students who are currently creating concepts…

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Fragile Blue

Sometimes a small part looks nicer than the whole. This was one of those times. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting around to downloading and installing Google Chrome on my work laptop.…

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Playing the Blues

Is this what "the blues" might look like? Today's Gratitude Item: Discovering Screencast-o-matic. This nifty little site lets one easily create screencasts and export in a range of formats. I've…

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