Intricate Playtime

The detail at the center is particularly pleasing. Today's Gratitude Item: That my classroom projector has been fixed. The position / settings were changed towards the end of last year…

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Square Fern Tile

It turns out that 'square ferns' can be a thing. Today's Gratitude Item: A lovely 'last day' of holidays spent reading a book.

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Shiny Diamond Play

As is so often the case this was pretty and different enough to keep. Today's Gratitude Item: Realising that in Firefox one can assign keywords to bookmarks. This makes accessing…

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Predictable Path

Named because it looks like it's a path and it's a spiral (which means that it being rendered is entirely predictable). Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting started on setting up…

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Rake Wall

This pattern looks like it was created by using a series of rakes. Probably not practical in the real world. Today's Gratitude Item: A 'smooth' Sunday (as in everything went…

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Three Quarters Exploding

Similar to Three Quarters Spiked but for some reason it got kept. Today's Gratitude Item: Both workshops that I proposed for an upcoming Teacher Educator conference have been accepted which…

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Fire Edge Star

Another image that is perfect for Shabbat! Today's Gratitude Item: Having plenty of reading material thanks to several of the books that I had 'on hold' becoming 'available for downloading'.

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Weird Wave Tunnel

There is something quite dynamic about this one. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a $5 note on my walk (a great start to the day). Also being able to download my…

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Grey Ocean Waves

Is it me or is this one a bit dreary? Today's Gratitude Item: Air conditioning! It's been very, very hot and being able to keep cool is wonderful.

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Old Fashioned Ripple Flower

In retrospect, this one might be a bit too old fashioned! Today's Gratitude Item: That 'chatbot' is an official scrabble word. Not only is it seven letters but it fell…

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