Flower Bow

An experiment that did not work out quite as planned. Somehow I'd hoped for "more". Today's Gratitude Item: "New Dancers". To be more precise, dancers who have not come to…

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Many Waves

This one appeared - as if by magic. There was minimal input on my part. Today's Gratitude Item: Not having to do "we weather" duty at school. This is basically…

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Ribbon Maze

Revisiting old styles can be fun. I always used to wonder how other artists got Apophysis to do this. Now I know. Today's Gratitude Item: Indoor weather - so much…

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Ribbon Trail

If you follow this trail, there is not telling where you will end up. Today's Gratitude Item: White fillings. Whilst having cavities (or in my case, a single cavity) filled…

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Kosher Dreams

I know that dream catchers are an American Indian "thing" but wouldn't it be cool if there was a Jewish version? I can see it now - kosher dreams guaranteed.…

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String Windmill

This one turned out far better than expected. Its probably too busy for most but it makes me happy. It reminds me of those toy windmills we used to play…

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Clover Web

Saw it, liked it, scaled it up to make it large :) Today's Gratitude Item: Learning how to make modelling chocolate. Well, sort of learning - It turns out that…

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Knitted Ribbon

This one reminds me of a design on a rather "dated" jumper. Today's Gratitude Item: Completing both my Yom Ha'atzmaut and Yom Ha'Zikaron images for this year. Both will feature…

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This descent looks treacherous and there's not telling what's lurking at the bottom. Today's Gratitude Item: Having home made matzos to eat :) Have been avoiding the temptation of eating…

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Stone Flower

This one started life as a Fractal Science Kit image. It got kaleidoscoped into this. Today's Gratitude Item: Learning how to "transpose" data in Excel. Ever had data in columns…

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