3D Geometric Bolts
Another 'simple but good' image. Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out why my work computer fan was almost constantly going and then fixing the problem. I'm due for a new machine…
Another 'simple but good' image. Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out why my work computer fan was almost constantly going and then fixing the problem. I'm due for a new machine…
This image was made quite a long time ago. Perhaps it is one of those things that will always be current. Today's Gratitude Item: When my computer blue screened I…
An image that looked good at the time but now I'm not so sure. Today's Gratitude Item: A day where everything went smoothly - it's lovely when that happens.
A cool variation on a recent theme. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting one more item ticked off the 'to do' list. Am now looking forward to a wonderful guilt-free weekend.
A fan is exactly what we need right now - thanks to some glorious hot weather. Today's Gratitude Item: Shopping (and specifically finding a car park) is a whole lot…
A repeating pattern where darker colours were the best option. Today's Gratitude Item: That the home-made pizza bases we attempted today were a success. The ones we used to get…
This one has more depth to it than one's typical wave / ripple images. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to work with very few interruptions. This time of year is…
Even slightly wonky stars can be a good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: Frozen orange juice - which is perfect for cooling down after a very warm morning walk.
Cold but pretty. Perhaps this one could be called 'Winter Seating'. Today's Gratitude Item: A Sunday that does not feel like a Sunday - mostly because I don't have to…
Intricate and blue - two of my favourite things. Today's Gratitude Item: Iced coffee on a hot day (for the first time this summer).