Swirl World
The Picasso quote explains a lot. Dedicated to all those who don't "get" his art. Today's Gratitude Item: Learning a whole lot of cool things about my electronic whiteboard. Today…
The Picasso quote explains a lot. Dedicated to all those who don't "get" his art. Today's Gratitude Item: Learning a whole lot of cool things about my electronic whiteboard. Today…
Wouldn't it be cool if star's looked like this when they were being born. Today's Gratitude Item: That my pizza bases worked (for the most part). They are still too…
This one was made with the "cell" variation (amongst other things). Today's Gratitude Item: Successfully making my own raisin bread. Lets just say that with the help of a very…
If you look closely, you'll see the checkered pattern that inspired the name. Today's Gratitude Item: Google's chat feature and the fact that one of my Israeli buddies was on-line…
Its been a while since a decent spiral appeared. Only problem was finding a suitable colour for this one. Today's Gratitude Item: Feeling refreshed and relaxed - holidays are good…
Taken from the "Power Surge" ride over at Rainbow's End. Lets just say the ride concerned is so intense, I felt slightly nauseous just creating the illustration! Today's Gratitude Item:…
There is an angel hiding in this one. Can you spot him? Today's Gratitude Item: Learning a new dance :) Turns out that the dance group that meet on Friday…
Was surprised to see the Candelabra in the background of this one. Pity it only has 5 branches and not seven. The clipart is based on a ride over at…
This one is the result of a lot of experimenting. It took far longer to create than it should have. Today's Gratitude Item: That everything can wait until tomorrow. I'm…
The result of experimenting with the "Spherical" variation in Apophysis. Today's Gratitude Item: That we have four days left of the school term - I'm looking forward to our upcoming…