Ripple Sphere Factory

Where spheres that are made out of ripples are created. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a quick way to crop images on google slides, thanks to one of my students.

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Sharp Slice

This one is exactly what it says on the box. Today's Gratitude Item: Happy colleagues. New Zealand and South Africa both made it into the semi-finals of the Rugby World…

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Dutch Dreaming

It sort of looks like a windmill - especially if one uses a fair bit of imagination. Today's Gratitude Item: A busy, but successful day which included getting a haircut…

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Fish School

This one is a bit weird but the abstract fish were unusual enough to be worth keeping. Today's Gratitude Item: For the first time in years our cherry tree has…

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Modern Picasso

Is the term 'Modern Picasso' redundant? As in I have often felt that Picasso's work is modern! Today's Gratitude Item: That my new group of 8th graders are a lovely,…

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Ripple Ridge Flower

The flower is a bit wonky but the 3D / emboss effect makes up for it. Today's Gratitude Item: A peaceful day where I was left to my own devices.…

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Sooth Swirl

Another peaceful image. The white lines make it 'pop' just a bit. Today's Gratitude Item: Another beautiful day! I'm really liking the drier weather and am hoping that the rain…

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Soft Blue Waves

A pretty, soothing image after a fairly stressful day. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting our landline back in working order after Orcon screwed up the change of ownership. Actually get…

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A Bit Crumpled

This one could be some fancy, crumpled origami paper (some imagination required). Today's Gratitude Item: That updating one of my client's websites was a lot quicker than anticipated. It's good…

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Another Woolly Ocean

I wonder if this one is warm or cold - the blanket-like look of it makes me think that it could be warmer than expected. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a…

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