Blocky Ball

This one reminds me a bit of that huge silver monstrosity over at EPCOT centre - except this version is prettier :) Today's Gratitude Item: Video tutorials! Especially the ones…

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Modern Star

Design generated with Apo. Turns out one can make cubes / stars - cfqd93, over at the Fracfan Forum was kind enough to share the method. Today's Gratitude Item: My…

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Hands Dancing

Dedicated to all those Sign Language Interpreters out there! Today's Gratitude Item: Getting new pillows for my bed! My old ones were rather "dead" and the new ones are brilliant.…


Ocean Vortex

This style may well be familiar to many of you. The gradient worked well though, and as we all know, I'm hopelessly addicted to making these sort of designs. Today's…

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Moon River

Perhaps based on the song which has the same name? I can hear the lyrics in my head :) Today's Gratitude Item: Making lists. Its the only way I manage…

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Rough Seas

Dedicated to all those sailors out there. May the only rough seas you experience be the ones on your desktop. Today's Gratitude Item: That my computer can play DVD's. Today…

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Grate Stones

The design reminded me of stones falling down some kind of grate, hence the name. Today's Gratitude Item: That my technical guy (aka: my brother) fixes "issues" which arrive from…

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Marble Factory

Now you know where those marbles that I post from time to time actually come from! Made with the "3D hack". Today's Gratitude Item: That two out of my three…

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Same Difference

This pattern keeps appearing but its pretty and of course, I could not resist rendering it (insert deep sigh here). Today's Gratitude: Anticipation! The 'big night' is tonight and I'm…


River Floor

This is what happens to woven tiles when you make them 3D. Its the first one that I'm happy with. Bad news is that it took a while to make.…

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