Bathroom Tile

A boring name for a rather cool fractal. Thing is, it looks like a piece of mosaic tile that would look good in a modern bathroom. Maybe. Today's Gratitude Item:…

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Its classic, just like good poetry. Today's Gratitude Item: That the great Damian Jones took the time to comment on a piece that I wrote for Orbit Trap. Damian is…


Rainy Day

Looks like a rather chic puddle to me. Ironically, as I write this, its raining outside. This one has the rare honour of being the background to my work laptop.…


Flower Paua

A surprise that took minimal tweaking. Its good when this happens. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting our ancient petrol lawn mower started! Once said mower is started, actually mowing the lawn…

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Twighlight Flow

Could also have called this one "Fractal River at Dawn". If you stare at if for a bit, it grows on you. Today's Gratitude Item: Not having to be anywhere…


Abalone Inspiration

This textured piece mimics a Paua shell. Paua is "kiwi" for abalone, only the Paua shells found in New Zealand waters are particularly bright. These shells are highly sought after…

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Sci Fi Floor

This one appeared with minimal tweaking and rendered incredibly well. If I only I knew what it was! Today's Gratitude Item: Being featured on a Shutterstock light box. Each month,…

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Soft Breeze

This one needed a fair bit of work to get rid of excess noise / pixelation. It turned out quite well in the end. Today's Gratitude Item: Having a back…

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Blue Membrane

Made with the same params as "Falling Rainbow". Today's Gratitude Item: That it finally stopped raining! Its nice to be able to go from place to place without getting wet…


Blue Worms

Believe it or not, coming up with the title for this one was a bit of a challenge. Eventually my dad named it! Thanks dad :) Today's Gratitude Item: My…

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