Dark Branches
Definitely one of those 'what was she thinking when she decided to keep this' moments. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting one of the 'big things' on the list sorted. Dealing with…
Definitely one of those 'what was she thinking when she decided to keep this' moments. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting one of the 'big things' on the list sorted. Dealing with…
I often get stars / flowers but this one was particularly nice. So I kept it. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting one more thing checked off on my 'to do' list.…
As in a ripple shape that gave me joy. Today's Gratitude Item: Locating new pants that are the same as my current ones (only not horribly threadbare). Today would have…
This one has blue sky, dessert earth and that dreamlike surreal quality. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting my 'one thing' done. Given all the interruptions, I only started my 'one thing'…
It's either a tunnel or a really funky pipe. Today's Gratitude Item: A YouTube video that showed how to open a tin of shoe polish. My 'one thing' today was…
Not quite sure how to describe this one. It all depends on how one looks at it. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to eat a small dinner! It turns out…
A dark fractal on a dark day. Today's Gratitude Item: The dedicated people who are involved in the Chevera Kadisha. My dad passed away today after a sudden, massive heart…
As a young adult I had a 'thing' for triangles and loved the colour blue. So this image made me really happy. Today's Gratitude Item: Snagging a delicious scone that…
I've always liked denim fabric. Today's Gratitude Item: A peaceful, enjoyable afternoon. My colleagues were at a paid union meeting, the kids all went home and this meant I was…
As in a bird's eye view of a fountain (that has been lit up in the middle). Today's Gratitude Item: The calm before the storm. I'm waiting for student assessment…