Frozen Dawn

Because sometimes it's 'pretty cold' and sometimes the cold is pretty. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting to the end of a week that has felt longer than it should have.

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Crescent Factory

As in a place where crescents are made. Today's Gratitude Item: That my presentation on Chat GPT this morning went quite well. Suffice it to say, there was a lot…

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Pool Play

Dedicated to all those swimmers out there. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a head start on the week - made pita pockets for dinner tonight which means that my lunch for…

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Sky Interference

Perhaps I should have called this one 'Sky Windows'. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally finding a source of exemplars for some of the standards that I teach. It's been a mission…

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Ripple Diamond

Another modern image with a 3D effect. Today's Gratitude Item: Having an unexpectedly quiet day due to most of the students in one of my classes being 'out' doing an…

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Hot & Cold

Perhaps this one should have been called 'Funky Optical Illusion'. Today's Gratitude Item: Not having to go to dance class tonight. Too many of my group could not make it…

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Floral Fantasy

In retrospect this one has too much 'fantasy' and not enough 'floral'. It's too 'interesting' to bin but not pretty enough to be satisfying. Today's Gratitude Item: Being motivated to…

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Ink Wake

This one is quite dark but it works. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting today's wordle in two guesses. Luck was involved.

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Beaded Spiral

In my world dream catches have beads and spirals are involved. That's just the way it is. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally being able to customise the theme for my Google…

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Magic Pebble Path

A fairly classic fractal which 'just works'. It's great when that happens. Today's Gratitude Item: Deciding to take my own advice and 'let it go'. There were a whole of…

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