Brittle Complexity
This one is a bit like shards of glass, only less broken and a lot cooler. Today's Gratitude Item: A clear day filled with blue skies and sunshine. After the…
This one is a bit like shards of glass, only less broken and a lot cooler. Today's Gratitude Item: A clear day filled with blue skies and sunshine. After the…
Even though the colours a a bit subdued, this one make me happy. Today's Gratitude Item: Realising that I can open python files quickly by right clicking and opening with…
At the time this seemed like a great idea - now I'm not so sure. Today's Gratitude Item: An early night (and one more day before the weekend).
With a bit of squinting and imagination, this could be a body of water with a path running through the middle. Today's Gratitude Item: A crazy-busy day which ended well.…
There is something weirdly organic about this one. It's like a spinning cog that has been melted a bit. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting my tire fixed! Said tire had a…
The longer one looks at this, the more one sees. Today's Gratitude Item: Gaining access to Google Classroom's 'Practice Sets' feature. This is still in beta and getting to play…
In retrospect I might have overdone it with the digital bleach. Today's Gratitude Item: Right now things are working correctly. It's been a long day!
This one is oddly calming. Today's Gratitude Item: Having time to get stuff done and relax a bit too.
Perhaps it should be called 'Edgy Artwork'. Today's Gratitude Item: Making a fair bit of progress on a current project and coming up with a potential solution to a problem…
This one is for dreams that are not too complicated. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding out that it is possible to group database queries by more than one table column and…