Water Bridge

Could this one be a modern day wallpaper? Today's Gratitude Item: A really lovely day which involved making a stack of fractals and generally indulging in a bit of 'non…

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Needle Eye Star

This one started off as a single 'needle eye'. It got changed into a star because the original was rather uninspiring. Trust me when I say that this version is…

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On the Boil

Reminded me of those oil / water designs we used to create as kids. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting another of our 'Digital Common Assessment' tasks out of the way. Am…

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Peak Crest Play

In this case, the mountains really do go on forever. Today's Gratitude Item: The new'ish ' Follow Me' printing system at school. It is so much quicker and easier to…

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Small Flood

Of course when there is water involved, 'small floods' can be quite problematic. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally being able to review and submit our students work for their external. The…

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Snow Bowl Star

Perhaps this one should have been called 'Giant Snowflake'. Today's Gratitude Item: Making progress on advertising my dance group in the community. I tried a number of avenues and two…

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Spiked Infinity Twist

We have not one but two infinity symbols hidden in this one. Today's Gratitude Item: Another 'skip the line' book which is by one of my favourite authors. I downloaded…

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Stretched Diamond

The 'geometric shape' compulsion strikes again. Today's Gratitude Item: Chat GPT (again). This time I got it to write a program for me that automatically saves each workbook in an…

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Avian Implication

If you use your imagination a bit, there is a bird's head and wings in this one. Sort of. Today's Gratitude Item: That 'my numbers' (ie: the number of students…

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Bone Lake

As in a small lake surrounded by bones - which might not be as creepy as it sounds. Today's Gratitude Item: Shortcuts for adding date (and time stamps) to a…

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