Trapped Sunshine
I did some fairly random things and this happened... Today's Gratitude Item: Being *mostly* ready for school tomorrow after a brilliant two week break which was over far too soon.
I did some fairly random things and this happened... Today's Gratitude Item: Being *mostly* ready for school tomorrow after a brilliant two week break which was over far too soon.
For all your fractal support needs. Today's Gratitude Item: That my brother is awesome. I emailed him asking him to update the PHP version of some WordPress sites that he…
This could *almost* be a computer circuit component. Today's Gratitude Item: Old episodes of "The Big Bang Theory". It was good to laugh a bit after a long day at…
This one has an 'art deco' feel and an infinity symbol - so giving it a suitable title was easy. Today's Gratitude Item: Being at Level 2 for COVID-19. This…
This one has everything I like - copper / gold string, ripples, curves and a giant hole in the middle. Today's Gratitude Item: Some headphone cases that I ordered online…
This one is perfect for your sturdy fractal-fabric needs. Today's Gratitude Item: Taking the night off from work of any kind. No marking. No prep. It's sad that sometimes one…
It turns out that like the real thing, this one was irresistible (ie: it simply had to be rendered) Today's Gratitude Item: Being home again. Whilst I enjoyed the conference…
The shadows on this one made it interesting enough to keep. Today's Gratitude Item: Completing an ePub / resource to teach 'advanced' web design to my students. I still need…
I'm not too sure about this one. It has been heavily post processed but the effort might not have been worth it. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting the text on…
Climbing this one would be a challenge. Today's Gratitude Item: My appraisal at work went well. The meeting was encouraging and productive and it was nice to have a chance…