Sparkly Reminiscence
Similar designs have appeared on my screen before. This time I could not resist the urge to render. Today's Gratitude Item: That 2016 has been a really good year for…
Similar designs have appeared on my screen before. This time I could not resist the urge to render. Today's Gratitude Item: That 2016 has been a really good year for…
As in it looks like fireworks that have been rotated by 90 degrees. Today's Gratitude Item: Crossword puzzles which have been providing some very enjoyable holiday entertainment.
Took a while to find colours that 'worked'. That's pretty much the story of my life. Today's Gratitude Item: Knowing what recursion is. It turns out that this concept becomes…
Reminded me of four leaf clovers - hence the title. Today's Gratitude Item: Completing the videos for my 'First Time Web Developer' eBook. There is still a mountain of work…
Liked the 'geometry' of this one so it got rendered. Today's Gratitude Item: Potatoes that don't require peeling. Sometimes the skin can taste bitter (depending on the variety) so finding…
Perhaps this one should have been called 'Ocean Geometry'. Today's Gratitude Item: A quiet space in which to work. If only there was more time in the day...
In a fractal world, this is how fabrics are created. Today's Gratitude Item: The 'direct input' option for validating html. Using this feature means that now it is possible for…
Did not turn out quite as well as hoped. Today's Gratitude Item: Help getting 'sorted' for next week's dance class. It will be the last class of the year and…
Colours reminded me of the emerald city in the 'Wizard of Oz' film. Today's Gratitude Item: A very relaxed morning :)
Simple but nice. Today's Gratitude Item: Being on holiday. Had sushi for breakfast, walked 14 km, found 90c and created a bunch of fractals. Am loving the whole 'break' thing.