A Bit Hollow
Being slightly asymmetrical can be a good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: A beautifully calm, relaxing day where pretty much everything went right.
Being slightly asymmetrical can be a good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: A beautifully calm, relaxing day where pretty much everything went right.
As in this one does not quite fit together. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting dinner prepared in record time. Let's just say there were some rather hungry people in the house!
When this one appeared, it looked a bit like a sunflower. In retrospect, it could also be a series of copper / gold cogs. Today's Gratitude Item: Despite my misgivings,…
Featuring a variation that I don't use at all often as usually the results are not anything like this. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting to the end of the school…
Is it a cog, a rose or a weird mix of the two? You decide. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting my dad successfully set up on Skype. It was harder than…
Sometimes disc designs are good. Today's Gratitude Item: That Winter Warm-up went well - mostly due to the fact that one of my dancers brought her computer / speakers as…
This one was named when I was in a hurry. Today's Gratitude Item: Managing to write a program to make key-wording images (for uploading to Shutterstock) less painful.
This 3D cog 'thing' was something of a surprise. Today's Gratitude Item: A perfect day which included an unscheduled visit to the maginificent Hamilton gardens followed by delightful home made…
Imagine waking up to a sunrise that looks like this... Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a fair bit of marking done in much less time than anticipated.
Colours reminded me of the sea shells that we used to find on the beach. Today's Gratitude Item: That 'integration day' is over. The less said about it, the better.