Cold Connection
The hexagonal shapes reminded me of snowflakes. Today's Gratitude Item: Being up-to-date on marking before the start of a weekend :)
The hexagonal shapes reminded me of snowflakes. Today's Gratitude Item: Being up-to-date on marking before the start of a weekend :)
As in a large entity made of many very small cogs. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally understanding why the 'delete rectangle' command was not working in one of my programs. It's…
'Different' is not always better. Today's Gratitude Item: Air conditioning. It's been *almost* unbearably hot and humid.
As in a cog made up of a bunch of springs. Today's Gratitude Item: Despite the wasp situation, we have four monarch chrysalises. One of them has started to go…
This one required a fair bit of "genius" to create. Wish I could remember the precise steps. Today's Gratitude Item: That a colleague sent me a very useful power-point which…
This one finally came together - after considerable "suffering" on my part. Today's Gratitude Item: Actually looking forward to going to school tomorrow. I've "lost" my most challenging class for…
This fractal is paving the way for the next Summer Olympics. I know its still some time away but with these things, it pays to be prepared. Today's Gratitude Item:…
First came the fractal, then the Scottish quotation. It made me smile. Today's Gratitude Item: A new opportunity :) From Monday, I'll be switching some of my Maths classes for…