Block Sun
Is this the opposite of 'sun block'? Today's Gratitude Item: That the American elections are finally over (and that I live in beautiful New Zealand).
Is this the opposite of 'sun block'? Today's Gratitude Item: That the American elections are finally over (and that I live in beautiful New Zealand).
This one is closely related to 'Ribbon Rise'. Was not sure which was nicer so both got rendered. Today's Gratitude Item: Having time to finish a revision resource for my…
As in lattice that looks a bit like a circular grate. Today's Gratitude Item: That a number of things on my 'to do' list took a lot less time than…
Sometimes cliches are there for a reason. Today's Gratitude Item: Then end of quite a busy day (and a quite a busy week).
The trick is in choosing what knowledge to acquire. Today's Gratitude Item: The first 'real' day of summer. I know that summer officially starts in December but the weather today…
I'm pretty sure I've made something quite similar to this in the past... Today's Gratitude Item: Getting home safely after an enjoyable night out that involved going to see a…
Yet another image reminiscent of the 'nuclear hazard' symbol. Today's Gratitude Item: That 'Technology Showcase' has been cancelled. This event was supposed to happen next week and would have meant…
Fun but the variation that I used will only give a maximum of four 'tiles' which is sometimes less than ideal. Today's Gratitude Item: Making progress on an animation that…
The colours on this one were a nice surprise Today's Gratitude Item: That the coffee muffin recipe we use is quick, easy and pretty much fool proof.
Similar to one of my other images but nice enough to be worth rendering. Today's Gratitude Item: Several down, several more to go. As in today's parent / student /…