Precious Core

This probably seemed like a good idea at the time. Now I'm not convinced that there is anything 'precious' about this one. Today's Gratitude Item: Another 'got a whole lot…

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Desert Eyes

As in a series of eyes made out of sand, interspersed with either a mirage or an oasis. Today's Gratitude Item: Having ChatGPT's help when making simple quizzes to check…

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Sharp Cork

Looks like a wooden texture - with a big of an edge. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting home safely after a really, really long day. The extra detour coming home (where…

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Eight Discs

Named because it looks like the number eight (and has discs). Today's Gratitude Item: Not feeling overly anxious with the heavy rain. Since 'that slip' has been made safe, wet…

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Cozy Cross

A lovely warm image - perfect for a cold winter's night. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally finding some perfect sound files that I need for a resource I'm developing. Being able…

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Copper Star Flower

This one is notable both for the colours and the sense of motion. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding widgets that allow one to generate fake IRD and ISBN-10 numbers that can…

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Hobbit Frame

Stare at this one for a bit and it almost becomes 3D. Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out how to easily insert horizontal lines (without arrows) in - this is…

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Fractal Scribbles

Sometimes I doodle with a pen and paper when bored. This is the fractal equivalent of said doodles. Today's Gratitude Item: Two coffee vouchers! I helped a colleague and they…

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X-Box Explosion

Another image where negative space plays a pivotal role. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting Adobe Illustrator to work again on my school laptop. Let's just say there were 'issues' and…

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Retro Clock-face

There is a lot going on in this one - in a good way. Today's Gratitude Item: Being ready for 'teacher only' day tomorrow. Can't say I'm looking forward to…

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