Coffee Storm
This is an experiment that went somewhat awry. This one is so bad that I thought twice about blogging it, but its late and I'm tired so here it is.…
This is an experiment that went somewhat awry. This one is so bad that I thought twice about blogging it, but its late and I'm tired so here it is.…
Once the cows have been milked, its important to keep that milk nice and cold - hence the fan. Today's Gratitude Item: Summer is officially here! Daylight saving starts at…
Usually cows are bigger than daisies - but not this time! Today's Gratitude Item: A client liked the logo that I designed for his business :) Doing logos is something…
The Sierpinski fractal is one of the most interesting. It makes a good backdrop for my cow image :) Today's Gratitude Item: Cough medication that actually works! Turns out that…
I had a spare cow image and have been meaning to use it for a while, it fitted nicely with this wallpaper. Just imagine that the stuff on the left…
It must be holy, its got a cross in the background. Dedicated to all those Irish Catholics out there :) Today's Gratitude Item: That at least one of my students…
Using cows / livestock in place of a lawn mower is a time honoured tradition in New Zealand. I reckon its time to take that kind of maintenance onto our…
Turns out that in New Zealand, one is never far from the "Great Outdoors". Even in a large city like Auckland, the rural areas are not far away. Today's Gratitude…