Ripple Toss
This is what happens when one tosses a fractal ball of string into a fractal pond. Today's Gratitude Item: A glorious day made even better because I'm not worrying about…
This is what happens when one tosses a fractal ball of string into a fractal pond. Today's Gratitude Item: A glorious day made even better because I'm not worrying about…
There is something really appealing about this piece - even though it looks like it has some hard edges. Today's Gratitude Item: Being on holiday and not having a headache…
This one is 'interesting' rather than pretty. Am not too sure about the more subdued colours. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally being able to park in garage again! This one has…
The design in the 'hole' made this one worth keeping. Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out how to change the colour of an image in canva.
It's hard to describe this one. Let's go with 'interesting' for now. Today's Gratitude Item: Relocating a critical piece of gear that I inadvertently left in a weird place yesterday…
We've been here before, but never quite like this. Today's Gratitude Item: Another beautiful Friday afternoon. This is my favourite time of the week.
It's not horrible but this one did not turn out as well as hoped. Never mind. Today's Gratitude Item: The concrete arrived and the driveway is looking great! Now the…
We've been here before but I could not resist rendering and keeping this one. The colours could be partly responsible for this. Today's Gratitude Item: Realising that the tool one…
Took a surprising amount of time to get this one to look 'just right'. Today's Gratitude Item: Kitchen success. As in a double batch of 'crunchy oats' and 9/9 pita…
This one was a refreshing surprise. It's quite cheerful in a 'times gone by' sort of way. Today's Gratitude Item: That moment when, all of a sudden, things in Hebrew…