Disc Play
Interesting because of how the 'lines' have been created. If you look closely, you might notice that said lines are made up of small crosses. Today's Gratitude Item: We're finally…
Interesting because of how the 'lines' have been created. If you look closely, you might notice that said lines are made up of small crosses. Today's Gratitude Item: We're finally…
Spiky discs that seemed like a good idea at the time. Today's Gratitude Item: A day that went really smoothly. Having the morning off from walking due to the stormy…
Named because it reminded me a bit of a button (with string). As is so often the case, some imagination is required. Today's Gratitude Item: A really good zoom dance…
Yet another fractal that somehow manages to look like an abstract peacock. Today's Gratitude Item: Traffic heading to dance was very light this evening (at least for me). Others in…
If you use your imagination, this could be a gift wrapped sphere. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally have time to get a long overdue haircut. It feels great!
Not exactly the 'big bang' but decent enough to be worth keeping. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting a Python library to import. Turns out that 'import PIL' will import the…
Made on a good day where everything 'just worked'. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting to have lunch! Normally I have duty at lunch on Tuesdays and class directly afterwards which means…
The middle of this reminded me of a marble (the toy). Hence the name. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting lots of small, bitty things out of the way.
Made on a good day when everything worked out perfectly. Today's Gratitude Item: Being *mostly* up-to-date with my marking. That's the good news. I have a feeling that this is…
This is what happens when one combines a disc and a wave. Today's Gratitude Item: Beautiful fine weather after a very stormy start to the morning.