Stone Flower
This one is a mix of 'old fashioned' and modern. Today's Gratitude Item: This isometric drawing tool. It is perfect for showing my 9th graders the relationship between 'plan' views…
This one is a mix of 'old fashioned' and modern. Today's Gratitude Item: This isometric drawing tool. It is perfect for showing my 9th graders the relationship between 'plan' views…
Created on Old Year's Eve this one is a mix of old and new ideas. Today's Gratitude Item: That my partial scholarship for doing some further study this year finally…
This one did not take as long to create as one might think. Today's Gratitude Item: Managing to help a student get his computer working again. Initially it would not…
Is this what it looks like just before things fall apart? Today's Gratitude Item: Finally finding out what classes I will be teaching this year. Our timetables are still in…
Reminded me of clocks all showing 'quarter to...' Today's Gratitude Item: That a slight issue with one of my student's exam marks from last year is in the process of…
Or should it be 'Oh. Synergy!' Today's Gratitude Item: My level 1 students did very nicely in their external exams. Results were officially due out tomorrow but they got published…
I'm pretty sure that we've been here before... Today's Gratitude Item: An html stripper. I needed to get quite a bite of 'plain text' from some html and doing it…
It's amazing what one can do with bright blue fractal string. Today's Gratitude Item: Email from students in the holidays. It turns out that some of them are working on…
Named because the texture on this one is reminiscent of snake skin. Today's Gratitude Item: Learning how to check for duplicates in an excel spreadsheet over multiple columns. The process…
Sometimes ornate is good. Today's Gratitude Item: That the 'silly season' is finally over and things are starting to get back to normal (where the word 'normal' is used in…