Beaten Chocolate
This one reminded me of what happens if you beat egg whites in the process of making meringues. Done right, one gets a pattern formed by the beaters that does…
This one reminded me of what happens if you beat egg whites in the process of making meringues. Done right, one gets a pattern formed by the beaters that does…
This one may well end up as an entry in the Benoit Mandelbrot Fractal Art Contest. Just knowing that the contest is being run again and that entries are open…
Who knew that throwing a discus could be so pretty. *Trademe is the New Zealand equivalent of ebay.
In this version of the game, bonus points are scored if one successfully throws the discus deep into the vine vortex. Today's Gratitude Item: Managing to learn all the names…
I could have called this one "red hot discus". This image certainly puts an interesting spin on the sport. Today's Gratitude Item: Having spare chocolate to give to unsuspecting colleagues…
He's getting ready to make his move. The blue background is there to aid concentration :) Today's Gratitude Item: That the major project I was working on is completed! I…
One should not really throw the discus on a red carpet - but in this case I'll make an exception. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting hold of a certain piece…
The "tri" in question being both a triquetra and a "triborder" Apophysis variant rather than a misspelling on my part. Today's Gratitude Item: Salmon sushi for lunch kindly supplied by…