Special Throw Pillows
Yet another 'I wish these were real' moment. They could look quite good on a beige / cream couch. Today's Gratitude Item: A brilliant day in which quite a lot…
Yet another 'I wish these were real' moment. They could look quite good on a beige / cream couch. Today's Gratitude Item: A brilliant day in which quite a lot…
Depending on how one looks at this, it's either a storm or a flower. The bits on the edge are worth a closer look too. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding an…
Every so often the colours 'just work'. This was one of those times. Today's Gratitude Item: Having a working answering machine again. The one we had died, but luckily we…
I moved something by accident and this was the result. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a mini yellow duck from an English department colleague (long story). Said duck is very cute…
The 'ridges' in question were a lot more obvious before I duplicated the image and rotated it ninety degrees to get a flower. The original looked quite bare. Today's Gratitude…
The colours are definitely more winter than spring. Today's Gratitude Item: A delightfully peaceful day.
Imagine trying to cut this out using paper and scissors. The nice thing about digital images is that we don't need to worry about the bits being nicely joined up.…
This one reminded me of cactus leaves - must have something to do with the colour. Today's Gratitude Item: That mum's car got it's WOF and the wait was not…
The lack of colour was a bit of a disappointment but that does mean viewers can fully appreciate the form. Today's Gratitude Item: A really beautiful day weather wise where…
I'm pretty sure we've been here before, but this one was nice enough to be worth keeping. Today's Gratitude Item: Reruns! As in today was basically a re-run of yesterday…