Spiky Bead Flower
It's good when metallic / beady flowers appear on one's screen. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to watch the butterflies on our swan plan emerge from their chrysalises. There is…
It's good when metallic / beady flowers appear on one's screen. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to watch the butterflies on our swan plan emerge from their chrysalises. There is…
Despite the name, this flower is not all that simple. Today's Gratitude Item: Having a mix of paper and electronic reading material. The paper material is great - especially when…
This is what happens when one merges a flower and a spiral. Am not entirely sure that this was a good idea. Today's Gratitude Item: A delightful, stress free day.…
Celebrating both the colour and the fruit (look closely at the center of the image and use your imagination). Today's Gratitude Item: Summer holidays are finally here! I'm so happy…
Whilst the colours on this one are rather subdued, the overall look is quite compelling. Today's Gratitude Item: Being a lot less stressed than I was at the start of…
I could have called this one 'more of the same' as it is very similar to yesterday's offering. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally having a chance to rest. The past week…
Another one of those fractal flowers that just worked. Today's Gratitude Item: Another brilliant day at CS4HS. Have learned quite a few things and also have some exciting resources to…
Perhaps this one should have been called 'Geometric String Flower'. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally figuring out how to correctly remove items from a list in Python when one wants to…
The petals on this one are a bit extreme. Today's Gratitude Item: A day that was 'crazy' mostly because students are in a mad rush to get stuff done before…
This one was a very pleasant surprise. Today's Gratitude Item: Not having a meeting this afternoon! Whilst being back at school is really good (it's great to see my students…